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The Purple Cow

I never saw a purple cow.

I never hope to see one.

But I can tell you, anyhow.

I'd rather see one than be one!

Action Rhyme

Tiger, Tiger

Tiger, Tiger can tickle his toes.

Tiger, Tiger can tap his nose.

Tiger, Tiger can turn around.

Tiger, Tiger can touch the ground.

Tiger, Tiger can tie his shoes.

Tiger, Tiger can count by twos.

Two, four, six, eight, ten!!

Action Rhyme (sing to the tune of "twinkle, twinkle little star"

The Donkey

Donkey, donkey,

old and grey.

Open your mouth 

and gently bray.

Lift your ears

and blow your horn,

to wake the world

this sleepy morn.

Action Rhyme

My Bonnie

My Bonnie lies over the ocean,

my Bonnie lies over the sea.

My Bonnie lies over the ocean,

oh bring back my Bonnie to me.

Bring back [2]

Bring back my Bonnie to me, to me.

Traditional song

Five Little Monkeys

Five little monkeys

jumping on the bed.

One fell out and bumped his head.

Mama called the doctor and the doctor said:

"No more monkeys jumping on the bed.

Four little monkeys...three...two...

One little monkey jumping on the bed

none fell off and bumped their heads.

Mama called the doctor and the doctor said:

"Put those monkeys back to bed."

Ten In The Bed

There were ten in the bed

and the little one said:

"Roll over." [2]

So they all roll over 

and one fell out


There nine...there eight...there seven...

There was one in the bed

and the little one said:

"Good night. [2]


Flip, Flop, Hop

The ears on the bunny go:

flip, flop. [3]

The nose on the bunny go:

twitch, twitch, twitch. [3]

The eyes on the bunny go:

blink, blink, blink. [3]

The tail on the bunny go:

wiggle, wobble, wobble. [3]

The feet on the bunny go:

hop, hop, hop. [3]


Action Rhyme (suit action to words)


I have ten little fingers,

(show fingers)

and ten little toes.

(point to your feet)

Two little eyes,

(poin to baby's eyes)

and a mouth and a nose.

Put them all together

(gently run fingers around baby's body)

and what have you got?

(Surprise face)

You have baby

(hug your baby)

and that's a lot!!

(gently tickle your baby)


Action Rhyme

A Little Ball

I have a little ball,

(make circle with thumb and index fingers)

I have a bigger ball,

Make a circle with both hands)

I have a great big ball.

(Make a circle with both arms)

Now, let's count them.

Are you ready?

One,, two, three.

Action Rhyme

I'M A Bell

I'm a bell,

hear me sing.

Pull my strings 

and I will sing.

Ding, dong, ding [2]

Ding, dong, ding, dong, ding.


Song in Canon (Guimartin, K. & Levinovtz, L. (2011). Maracas. Princeton, New Jersey: Music Together LLC.)

Hello Song

Good morning,

good morning,

how are you, how are you?

Very well, I thank you

very well, I thank you

What about you?


Buenos días [2]

cómo estás ?[2]

Muy bien, gracias [2]

Y usted [2]


Las manitos [2]

dónde están?

aquí están.

ellas se saludan [2]

y se van.

Bilingual: "Hello Song," "Buenos Dias," "Las Manitas"

Los Deditos

Uno, dos, tres deditos,

cuatro, cinco, seis deditos,

siete, ocho, nueve deditos

y uno mas son diez.

Dos manitas, diez deditos [3]

cuentalos conmigo.


One, two, three little fingers,

four, five, six little fingers,

seven, eight, nine little fingers

and one more makes ten.

Two little hands, ten little fingers [3]

Let us count again.

Bilingual song: "One, two, three little fingers"

Bouncing Ball

I'm bouncing, bouncing, everywhere,

I'm bouncing, bouncing into the air.

I'm bouncing, bouncing like a ball,

I bounce and bounce until I fall.

Action Rhyme

Bounce, Bounce, Bounce Your Child

Bounce [3] your child,

bounce her/him up and low.

Rocking [4]

gently kiss her/his nose.

Sing to the tune of "Row, Row, Row Your Boat."


Way up in the sky

the big birds fly.

Way down in the nest,

the little birds rest.

With a wing on the left,

and a wing on the right,

the little bird sleep all through the night.

Shh! don't wake up the birdies.

Then up comes the sun,

the dew falls away,

Good morning, good morning

the little birds say.


Action Rhyme

Jack Be Nimble

Jack be nimble,

Jack be quick,

Jack jump over the candlestick.

Jack be nimble,

Jack be spry,

Jack jump over the apple pie.

Jack be nimble, 

Jack jump high,

Jack flies up into the sky.

Nursery Rhyme

Un Elefante

Un elefante

se balanceaba

sobre la tela de una araña,

Como veía, que resistía,

Fue a llamar a otro elefante.


dos elefantes

se balanceaban

sobre la tela de una araña,

Como veían, que resistía,

Fue a llamar a otro elefante.


Tres elefantes...

Cuatro elefantes...

Cinco elefantes...

Seis elefantes...

Siete elefantes...

Ocho elefantes...

Nueve elefantes...

Diez elefantes...

Spanish Song

Estrellita, ¿dónde estás?

Estrellita, ¿dónde estás?
Quiero verte cintilar
en el cielo, sobre el mar.
Un diamante de verdad.
Estrellita, ¿dónde estás?
Quiero verte cintilar.

Spanish Version

Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star

Twinkle, twinkle little star,

how I wonder what you are.

Up above the world so high,

like a diamond in the sky.

Twinkle, twinkle little star,

how I wonder what you are.

One, Two, Three Little Fingers

One, two, three little fingers,

Four, five, six little fingers,

Seven, eight, night little fingers

And one more makes ten.


Two little hand ten little fingers [3]

Let us count again.

Uno, Dos, Tres Deditos

Uno, dos, tres deditos,

Cuatro, cinco, seis deditos,

Siete, ocho, nueve deditos,

Y uno más son diez.


Dos manitas, diez deditos, [3]

Cuéntalos conmigo.

Spanish Version

The Itsy Bitsy Spider

The itsy bitsy spider

climbed up the water spout.

Down came the rain

and washed the spider out.

Out came the sun

and dried up all the rain,

and the itsy bitsy spider

climb up the spout again.

La Arana Pequeñita

La arana pequeñita

subió, subió, subió.
vino la lluvia y se la llevó.
Salió el sol y todo lo secó.
y la araña pequeñita

 subió, subió, subió.


La araña grandotota…

Slippery Fish

Slippery fish, slippery fish,

sliding through the water.
Slippery fish, slippery fish,

gulp, gulp, gulp!
Oh, no! It's been eaten by an


Octopus, octopus,

squiggling in the water.
Octopus, octopus,

gulp, gulp, gulp!
Oh, no! It's been eaten by a


Tuna fish, tuna fish,

flashing in the water.

Tuna fish, tuna fish,

gulp, gulp, gulp!

Oh, no! It's been eaten by a?


Great white shark, great white shark,

lurking in the water.

Great white shark, great white shark,

gulp, gulp, gulp!

Oh, no! It's been eaten by a


whale, humongous whale,

spouting in the water.

Humongous whale, humongous whale,

Gulp!  Gulp!  Gulp! BURP!

Pardon me!

Una Sardina

Una sardina, una sardina

Nadando en el agua.

Una sardina, una sardina

Am, am, am!

O, no! fue comida por ...


Un pulpito, un pulpito

nadando en el agua.

Un pulpit, un pulpit,

Am, am, am!

O, no fue comido por…


Un atún, un atún,

nadando en el agua.

Un atún, un atún,

Am, am, am!

O no! fue comido por…


Un tiburón, un tiburón,

nadando en el agua.

O no! fue comido por…


Una ballena, una ballena,

nadando en el agua.

Una ballena, una ballena,

Am, am, am!











I Have A Little House

I have a little house

It’s like this, like this.

Smoke comes through the chimney

Like this, like this.

And when I want to enter,

I knock like this, like this.

I seat and shine my shoes,

Like this, [3]


I have a great big house



Yo Tengo Una Casita

Yo tengo una casita

que es así y así.

Y cuando sale el humo

Hace así, así.

Y cuando quiero entrar,

Yo golpeo así, así.

Me limpio los zapatos,

Así, [3]


Yo tengo una casa…


Yo tengo una casota..


Yo tengo una casa…


Yo tengo una casita.

Spanish Version

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